Thursday, 1 March 2012


Sunshine-hazy London 
 This is iiiit! I'm starting with a line from the Zimdians’ AirZim “live inflight entertainment” anecdote, as they’ve inspired me to stop talking and start travelling. 

I’ve finally extracted myself from the office, leaving a wake of biscuit crumbs and postcard promises for desk no. 83.  Before I deal with my serious packing-procrastination, I have to work out how to do this blog thing.  Who am I writing it for?  Well, I reckon the bored masses are not so bored that they’ll bother to read it and weep/jeer, so I’m writing it to keep you, my scatterling friends and family posted. I know that you’ll pretend that you’ve read it with rapt fascination (translation: with mild boredom whilst pretending to work).

As for the blog name, some suggestions were exceedingly rude about my age (ahem, CM), but I went with something related to the most reliable mode of transport back home.  No doubt there will be some confusion with purple potatoes, but hopefully the thumbnail picture helps.  Do forgive random text or upside-down photos that appear from time to time whilst I work out the technology.

Off to say my final goodbyes (hmm, London looks lovely today in the hazy sunshine).  All travel tips still welcome.  Toodle-oo.


  1. Good luck D! Have a whale of a time and remember us poor mugs back at our desks in Blighty. :(
    Love, Craig

  2. Hi Donna. Thought you were off at 8am today so shocked to see your e-mail! It must be tomorrow. Have a fantastic time - am mighty jealous! Ann x

  3. You bring back great memories... it was exactly this time three years ago the Zimdians were in your pata patas!! Keep up your blog; we want to hear more! Nipun. x

    1. Thanks for the encouragement and good wishes everyone. xx d
